Children and Adolescents at AIDS 2018 — Regional Interagency Task Team on Children Affected by AIDS

Children and Adolescents at AIDS 2018

Tremendous strides have been made to improve the lives, treatment and care options for people living with HIV (PLHIV) worldwide. Yet despite the progress in tackling HIV, Eastern and Southern Africa continues to be the epicentre of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, with a great number of children and adolescents are still out of reach of testing, treatment, care and support. 


The Regional Inter-agency Task Team on Children and AIDS in Eastern and Southern Africa is inspired to see children and youth as a focus at the 22nd International AIDS conference agenda. Various RIATT-ESA network partners are at the conference highlighting children, youth, key populations, PMTCT and various issues affecting the most vulnerable populations in Eastern and Southern Africa. 

Children and youth are an ever increasing population in Africa, keeping them as a priority in the response is fundamental to achieving the HIV targets.  Whether you are at the conference or following the online updates, here is a list of some of the events that cannot be missed.

For updates on twitter follow @childrenandHIV #ReachAllChildren and #AIDS2018 .

Partner sessions and presentations

networking zones in the Global Village
