Tremendous strides have been made to improve the lives, treatment and care options for people living with HIV (PLHIV) worldwide. Yet despite the progress in tackling HIV, Eastern and Southern Africa continues to be the epicentre of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, with a great number of children and adolescents are still out of reach of testing, treatment, care and support.

The Regional Inter-agency Task Team on Children and AIDS in Eastern and Southern Africa is inspired to see children and youth as a focus at the 22nd International AIDS conference agenda. Various RIATT-ESA network partners are at the conference highlighting children, youth, key populations, PMTCT and various issues affecting the most vulnerable populations in Eastern and Southern Africa.
Children and youth are an ever increasing population in Africa, keeping them as a priority in the response is fundamental to achieving the HIV targets. Whether you are at the conference or following the online updates, here is a list of some of the events that cannot be missed.
For updates on twitter follow @childrenandHIV #ReachAllChildren and #AIDS2018 .
Partner sessions and presentations

Although HIV should now be a manageable condition, fewer than half of the children needing treatment are receiving it. This session—chaired by Lucie Cluver—will demonstrate the missed chances for HIV prevention and the opportunities for improving AIDS-free survival among children and adolescents across their lifetime.
Date and time: Wednesday 25 July, 16:30 - 18:00
Click here to download a list of scheduled events by the Three Frees Partners at the International AIDS Conference.
This high-level forum will stimulate dialogue on the extent to which nascent, country-owned responses have elevated AGYW participation in the national and regional discourse; showcase innovative campaigns to galvanize a sustainable movement; and examine whether existing investments are sufficient to turn the tide
The session will demonstrate that for investing in a child we have to devote to its family, community, and environment.
Date and time: Friday 27 July, 11:00 - 12:30
This session will look at evidence-based and game-changing approaches for improving pediatric case-finding, and will discuss forward-looking priorities for intensifying momentum, and scaling up proven strategies to reach all undiagnosed children and young adolescents.
UNICEF is launching a new report examining the global HIV response for children, adolescents and young women from the perspectives of extraordinary women leaders who have led the response in their spheres and made it their life’s work.
Date and Time: Wednesday, 25 July 2018, 15:30 – 17:00h at Okura Hotel, Amsterdam
Save the Children Sweden, Regional Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (ASRHR) Project side event at AIDS 2018.
Date and Time: Wednesday, 25 July 2018, 18:00pm – 20:00pm at the Novotel Hotel Amsterdam
At the 2018 International AIDS Conference Team PATA is hosting workshops, presenting posters, collaborating and launching its first Situational Analysis as well as a series of Child Survival Working Group Policy Briefs with UNICEF.
Date and Time: Monday 23 July- 27 July 2018
This interactive workshop will bring together healthcare workers, policy makers and community groups to learn and share practical experiences on how to effectively work together to improve eMTCT and paediatric HIV service delivery.
Date and time: Wednesday 25 July, 14:30 - 17:00
This session will feature discussions on the best practices and learning from the Accelerating Children’s HIV/AIDS Treatment (ACT) initiative, a public-private partnership in nine sub-Saharan African countries that treated more than 560,000 children living with HIV from 2014 to 2016.
Date and Time: Wednesday 25 July, 2018 7:00 – 8:30am
In this session community representatives and key donors are coming together to discuss challenges & opportunities to better serve, empower and invest in community responses.
Date and Time: Monday 23 July, 2018, 9:00am – 12:00pm
Satellite Symposium co-sponsored by The Coalition for Children affected by AIDS and The Positive Action for Children. Despite commendable progress towards the 2020 targets, many vulnerable children and their families remain out of the reach of HIV testing, treatment and care.
Monday, July 23, 14:45 – 16:45 PM
networking zones in the Global Village
The Global Fund Community Zone is hosted by the Six Regional Platforms for Communication and Coordination as part of the Global Fund’s Community, Rights and Gender Strategic Initiative.
Date and Time: Monday 23 July- 26 July 2018
Supporting Those Who Have Lost Someone They Love
This session at the Positive Action’s Global Village Meeting Room aims to highlight the issue of AIDS-related bereavement, its manifestations and its impact, and the importance of its consideration in psychosocial support initiatives.
Time & Date: Tuesday 24th July, 3.30-4.30pm
The the World Council of Churches – Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (WCC-EAA) are hosting an Interfaith Networking Zone at the Global Village providing a dynamic space for exchanges, resources and workshops.
Date and Time: Monday 23 July- 27 July 2018
Don't miss the dialogues and activities happening at the Children & HIV Networking Zone in the Global Village hosted by Coalition.
Date and time: Date and Time: Monday 23 July- 27 July 2018