Effective Community Engagement: How communities and health facilities can jointly improve eMTCT and paediatric HIV service delivery — Regional Interagency Task Team on Children Affected by AIDS

Effective Community Engagement: How communities and health facilities can jointly improve eMTCT and paediatric HIV service delivery

Reaching all children for HIV prevention and care, collaboration between communities and healthcare facilities is essential. This interactive workshop, jointly run by Positive Action for Children’s Fund (PACF), Paediatric-Adolescent-Treatment Africa (PATA), Aidsfonds and the Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS, will bring together healthcare workers, policy makers and community groups to learn and share practical experiences on how to effectively work together to improve eMTCT and paediatric HIV service delivery.

More information can be found here.

Date and time: Wednesday 25 July, 14:30 - 17:00