Two Years and Counting: How to reach the most vulnerable children and families — Regional Interagency Task Team on Children Affected by AIDS

Two Years and Counting: How to reach the most vulnerable children and families

Satellite Symposium co-sponsored by The Coalition for Children affected by AIDS and The Positive Action for Children Fund. Monday, July 23, 14:45 – 16:45 PM

Despite commendable progress towards the 2020 targets, many vulnerable children and their families remain out of the reach of HIV testing, treatment and care. Why is this and what needs to change to put us back on track? This will be an interactive satellite in which the audience, together with a panel of experts, will analyse proven innovations and identify next steps. During this sessions a joint Coalition/Positive Action for Children Challenge Prize will be launched. 

During thiss event there will be an opportunity to post live questions/comments within the interactive dialogue by logging on to and entering session code 189-220-892.