Call for Applications: AY+ North and Central Africa Steering Committee members. — Regional Interagency Task Team on Children Affected by AIDS

Call for Applications: AY+ North and Central Africa Steering Committee members.

The African Young Positives Network (AY+) is accepting applications from young people living with HIV aged 18-29 who work in the YPLHIV Movement in the Central & North Africa regions to join the Steering committee.

AY+'s Steering Committee is the governance arm of the leading African Movement of Adolescents and young people living with HIV in Africa. The Network was born out of a pertinent need for a platform to strengthen the engagement of young men and women living with HIV to take charge, lead the process and protect Human Rights for greater and meaningful involvement in the HIV response in the region. The Steering Committee members are critical in determining AY+'s strategic direction in the evolving HIV response, helping AY+ ensure that it is truly led by the young people. 

This is a call for applications for young people to apply so that they can fill the two remaining positions from the north and central region. AY+ Steering committee comprises of 5 people from different regions in Africa and the three positions were selected already during the annual general assembly in ICASA.

To apply or for more information click here. Deadline for applications: 26th January 2018
