16 Days of Activism Youth Blogs — Regional Interagency Task Team on Children Affected by AIDS

16 Days of Activism Youth Blogs

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During the 16 Days of activism RIATT-ESA published 16 youth advocacy blogs on various issues from ending violence against women and children, HIV, stigma and discrimination.

October 11, 2017- School Saved me from Early Child Marriage. 

Two blogs written by 17 year-old girls from Shinyanga, Tanzania. One tells her experience of escaping child marriage and the other looks at the causes of child marriage in her community. 

November 25, 2017- The Story Called My Life -Denial Is Not Final!

This blog is about the struggles of a young girl fighting to finish her school and finding closure after being sexually assaulted and finding out she was HIV+.

CALL TO ACTION- Everyone needs to work together to end violence against women and children

November 26, 2017- Domestic Violence, Juvenile Delinquency and School Dropout are Serious Issues in Angola

This blog focuses on 3 issues in Angola: domestic violence, school dropout and juvenile delinquency.

CALL TO ACTION- Review how domestic violence is prosecuted and invest in solutions to keep kids in school in Angola.

November 27, 2017- Revive the Campaign on Ending Violence Against Children

This blog highlights violence against children and the lack of psychosocial support at schools in Kenya.

CALL TO ACTION- There is a urgent need to revive the campaign to end violence against children Kenya

November 28, 2017- Involving Children to help them Achieve their Dreams

This blog emphasises the need to involve children in decisions concerning their growth and development.

CALL TO ACTION- From family to community and government level children should be given the opportunity to be heard and participate in decision making.

November 29, 2017- My Take on the State of Education in Africa

This blog by a young boy from Botswana highlights the need for a more inclusive and diversified education system with special attention for children living with disabilities.

CALL TO ACTION- In order for children to reach their full potential, governments need to provide equal and inclusive education for all boys and girls.

November 30, 2017- My name is Fernando Ezequiel Manhica- I am a peer educator

Fernando is a Community Adolescent Treatment Supporter working with adolescents living with HIV. Based on a story of the struggles of a young girl living with HIV in Mozambique, this blog highlights the need to empower women affected or infected with HIV.

CALL TO ACTION- Encouragement and guidance is key to empowering women living with HIV.

December 1, 2017- Love and care helped Deni to live a positive and healthy life

Cat Dulce Ana Timba is a young community care worker in Mozambique. Based on a story of the struggles of a young boy born with HIV, her blog highlights the role of carers in providing psychosocial support for children living with HIV.

CALL TO ACTION- Psychosocial support is fundamental for children living with or affected by HIV to reach their full potential.   

December 2, 2017- Stop Discrimination and Harassment of Children with Disabilities

This blog highlights the struggles with discrimination at school that children with disabilities face on a daily basis.

CALL TO ACTION- There is a urgent need to sensitise communities and carers on the importance of investing in and supporting children with disabilities.

December 3, 2017- The Deaf Need Education Too!

A blog by Anitha George who was born with a hearing disability, calls attention to the need for a more inclusiveness education system for deaf children.

CALL TO ACTION- There is a need for more education in sign language so the deaf people can feel more included and to end discrimination against people with hearing disabilities.

December 4, 2017- Prevent Unwanted Pregnancies to Stop Child Abandonment

This blog by Ana Segunda, a 21year old business management student, highlights the issue of child abandonment in Angola.

CALL TO ACTION- There is a urgent need to educate people on pregnancy prevention in Angola.  

December 5, 2017- Accepting That I Am HIV+ Made Me Stronger

This blog by Xolani Magongo, a young advocate from Swaziland, talks about his personal struggle with self-acceptance, stigma and discrimination when growing up with HIV as well as his path to living positive and free.

CALL TO ACTION- Governments and organisations need to work together to educate communities and end stigma and discrimination for people living with HIV.

December 6, 2017- I write to build a better world for children

This blog by 14-year old Luisa Kiesse Lundoloqui Cuanza, talks about her hobby of writing books about the problems faced by children and adolescents in Angola. When a specific issue is selected Luisa develops characters and uses her stories give a specific message or call to action to the reader.

“I want to take action for change because - The world we want depends on the world we build.”

December 7, 2017- Appealing for a boarding school, to escape violence at home

This blog by a young girl from Tanzania is her personal story with her struggle to continue school after getting pregnant and being a victim of constant domestic abuse.

CALL TO ACTION- When an adolescent girl falls pregnant, parents should not only support them to continue their school they should also continue to love and care for them.

PERSONAL APPEAL- “I appeal to the government, a non-governmental organization, or any kind person to help me find a boarding school. Please hear my voice and help me.”

December 8, 2017- Everyone has a role to play in ending Child Marriage

This blog is focused on the issues of early marriage in the Dodoma region of Tanzania, how it is affecting young girls health, development and their families.

CALL TO ACTION- Government should enact the laws to punish those who still practice or entertain early marriage and educate communities on its negative effects.

December 9, 2017- Address Problems and Keep Girls in School

This blog by Ennipher Charlie talks about the challenges and issues that contribute girls not attending school in Malawi.

CALL TO ACTION- Government and NGOs should come together to address the challenges that keep girls out of school, including the need for new and fully equipped schools and additional hostels at boarding schools.  

December 10, 2017- A Call for the Domestication and Implementation of Laws and Policies Concerning Children

This blog by Maxwell Simbuwa from Zambia talks about the need to prioritise children’s issues and involve children in decision making processes.

CALL TO ACTION- All existing laws that protect children’s rights should be implemented to the fullest in order to have well-developed children, well-developed nations and a well-developed world.