Roger Federer Foundation Regional Office Vacancy - Senior Education Advisor — Regional Interagency Task Team on Children Affected by AIDS

Roger Federer Foundation Regional Office Vacancy - Senior Education Advisor

About the Roger Federer Foundation

Since twelve years the Roger Federer Foundation is engaging in education programmes for children living in poverty in Africa and Switzerland. It only works with carefully selected local organizations in long-term partnerships and seeks for systemic change and sustainable impact. The Foundation aims therefore to enable and support the local communities in question to assume their responsibility for the solution of theirs problems with regard to content, organization and finance. Currently 15 programmes are running in Botswana, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and in Switzerland for around 85 million ZAR reaching 275 000 children in 2016. The Foundation partners only directly with local organization in these countries. Our goal is to finance quality programmes as well as strengthen the capacities of our partners. To learn more about the Foundation see:

About the vacancies

This year, the Foundation has established a small office in Parktown/Johannesburg in order to strengthen its programme management capacities in Southern Africa. To further develop our know-how in education we are seeking an eligible and qualified education specialist. The Senior Education Advisor will manage one part of the Foundation’s portfolio in the Southern African region and will mentor all the partners with regard to their educational development.

Click here to download the TOR. 

Applications close on May 31, 2016. You can submit your complete application electronically to:
Janine Händel, CEO Roger Federer Foundation:
