Call for Participation - Disability Networking Zone at the Global Village at the 21st IAC in Durban 2016 — Regional Interagency Task Team on Children Affected by AIDS

Call for Participation - Disability Networking Zone at the Global Village at the 21st IAC in Durban 2016

Despite advancement of knowledge on the intersection between disability and HIV, many people with disabilities still lack access to information, counselling and testing, treatment and care. In addition, through increased access to ART, AIDS-related deaths have declined, and people’s life expectancy has improved. However, living long with HIV comes with new health related needs and potentially episodic, temporary and permanent disabilities. Currently, disability and rehabilitative services are scarce and thus not fully equipped to meet this increased needs.

The 7th edition of the Disability Networking Zone (DNZ) will be held in the Global Village of the 21st International AIDS Conference in Durban and aims to:

  • Increase awareness and knowledge on the intersection of disability and HIV
  • disseminate and present cutting edge research evidence
  • disseminate good practice and innovations through diverse formats
  • enhance engagement and dialogue with researchers, donors, advocates and people with disabilities
  • enhance strategic networking among disability-orientated organisations, disabled people’s organizations, mainstream AIDS related NGOs, government stakeholders, researchers, clinicians and activists. 
  • actively involve people with disabilities and people living with HIV who experience disablement on an episodic, temporary or permanent basis, in particular youth with disability

We are calling for participation from grassroots and national DPOs, NGOs, faith-based organizations, networks, researchers, institutions and other organizations and leaders in the field of disability and HIV from around the world to join us in advancing these objectives.

In our networking zone people with disabilities, people living with HIV, researchers, donors and conference attendees can come together to share experiences, learn from each other and raise awareness of the intersection between disability and HIV. We invite you to apply to host an activity related to disability and HIV such as:


  • Exhibition posters on examples of Good Practice
  • Presentations and discussions on Good Practice or innovative advocacy ideas
  • Presentations of new research findings and evidence
  • Interactive skills building sessions of Good Practice
  • Film screenings
  • Testimonies of people with disabilities who are also infected or affected by
  • HIV and people living with HIV
  • Presentation of policy papers and information material
  • Round table discussions with key stakeholders in the field of HIV and/or disability

For more information on how to apply, click here. 

