care and support

Mmata Tswana (My Partner) - Community Caregiver Support Groups to Improve ART Adherence Amongst Adolescents Living with HIV

The Mmata Tswana model is a community caregiver support group model which offers an opportunity for caregivers to:

  • Meet, discuss and learn from one another about ART adherence and caring for adolescents living with HIV (ALHIV);
  • Provide psychosocial support to one another;
  • Offer general care-giving support to one another by, for example accompanying each other’s children for scheduled appointments, as well as assisting them with treatment as necessary; and
  • Create a community of knowledge about adolescents’ treatment and health needs to minimise the risks associated with loss to follow-up when a caregiver is unable to take care of an adolescent. 

Click here to download the brief.

Schools that care: A review of linkages between children’s education and care

This report by Family for Every Child suggests that a lack of access to quality education is a key cause of inadequate care. Some groups of children are more vulnerable than others to inadequate care caused by a lack of access to education. These groups include children with disabilities, girls, children living in poverty and displaced, refugee, migrant and minority groups.

The report presents the key findings of a scoping study on the links between education and children’s care. The study involved a literature review in English, French and Spanish; key informant interviews; and consultations with 170 children, carers, teachers and other stakeholders in Guyana, India, Russia and Rwanda

Click here to download the full report

2nd EAC Child Rights Conference Recommendations

The 2nd EAC Child Rights Conference concludedin Nairobi, Kenya, 26 August 2016 with the participants formulating several recommendations that reaffirm the strong commitment of the region in promoting, protecting and fulfilling the rights of all children in the bloc.

Click here to download recommendations