
Accepting That I Am HIV+ Made Me Stronger

My name is Xolane or the Black Spade as my friends call me. I am from Swaziland. I was born with HIV and have been on treatment for 11 years now.Growing-up with HIV has made me a strong and brave young man. Accepting my status was the first and biggest step I took on this journey.

Call to invest in mental health of teachers and nurses for the good of adolescents living with HIV

Call to invest in mental health of teachers and nurses for the good of adolescents living with HIV

On the 10th of October, 2017, we celebrate World Mental Health Day with the theme; Mental health in the workplace. Mental health in workplace is critical for delivery of quality services and improved productivity. Hospitals and clinics are workplaces for medical staff; schools are workplaces for education staff. Both medical and educational environments are a critical source of psychosocial wellbeing and mental health for adolescents living with HIV (ALWH).