young women

HIV and AIDS/STI and TB Multisectoral Strategic Plan and Implementation Framework 2015 - 2020

EAC HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan.pdf

This strategic plan lays out the strategic intents for East African Community (EAC) HIV and AIDS program for the period 2015-2020. The plan will set the boundaries within which the EAC will implement its HIV and AIDS, TB and STIs interventions within the spheres of its mandate. The costed plan will further be a tool for resource mobilization as well as being a reference point for addressing HIV and AIDS, TB and STIs issues that are trans-boundary in nature within the region.

Specific Objectives of the strategic plan includes: 
• To reduce new cases of HIV by 60%, TB by 50% and STIs by 50% by 2020 in the EAC region
• To reduce HIV and TB related mortality by 75% by 2020 in the EAC region
• To increase access and utilization of integrated HIV, TB and STI services by 50% in 2020 

Even though all Partner States have generalized HIV epidemics, with some of the highest rates of TB infection and disease burden in the world, there are still higher levels of infection and transmission within certain geographic areas, as well as among some key populations and venerable groups. Although this strategic plan promotes a broad framework for addressing HIV, STIs and TB at a general population level, it also identifies priority populations that should be targeted for specific prevention, care, treatment and support interventions based on the analysis of the EAC epidemic. The risk of HIV, STIs or TB is not equal for all populations. In the context of this strategic plan and for the purpose of regional programming, the priority populations include, but it not limited to:

  • Adolescent girls and young women
  • Migrant populations and mobile workers.
  • Orphans and other vulnerable children and adolescents
  • People with disabilities
  • Young people in and out of school
  • Adolescents living with HIV and AIDS
  • Infant and young children

This strategic plan makes provision that these populations will be targeted with different, but specific, interventions during implementation to achieve maximum impact. The EAC in collaboration with partner states will ensure geographical mapping and geographical prioritization of interventions for Key and Vulnerable populations for HIV and TB especially for regional aspects of the response.

Zimbabwe Sexual and Reproductive Health Sign Language Dictionary

The HIV and AIDS Management and Support Organization (THAMASO-ZIMBABWE), in collaboration with the Disability HIV & AIDS Trust (DHAT), realized the existence of a knowledge gap on HIV and AIDS and sexual and reproduction health and rights (SRHR), among the deaf communities of Zimbabwe. The absence of signs for many of the technical terms related to HIV and SRHR has created serious disadvantages for
hearing impaired people and increased their vulnerability to HIV, and made it difficult for them to claim their sexual and reproductive health and rights. Consequently, THAMASO-ZIMBABWE and DHAT decided to produce a Dictionary for people with hearing impairments that includes HIV and SRHR related signs.

The Dictionary includes an illustrated guide to signing and signing for individual letters, along with illustrations and descriptions for common words and for those new HIV/SRHR signs that have been developed, making it an invaluable reference for both those with hearing impairments and those without hearing challenges. The dictionary is suitable for use in educational institutions (schools, colleges and universities) as well as in health institutions such as hospitals, clinics and VCT centres. Counsellors and all staff working directly and indirectly in the HIV and SRHR sectors will find the dictionary most useful.

The production of the dictionary was sponsored by the Open Society for Southern Africa (OSISA) and the Southern Africa HIV and AIDS Information Dissemination Service (SAFAIDS). In respecting the adage “nothing for us without us” people with hearing impairments, drawn from all the provinces of Zimbabwe, developed this dictionary. We are proud of those who represented the deaf community in producing meaningful and helpful signs that will go a long way in helping those with hearing impairments and the nation at large to communicate on HIV and SRHR in a way that has previously been impossible.

THAMASO-ZIMBABWE and DHAT wish to express their gratitude to OSISA, SAFAIDS, the National AIDS Council, the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare, Ministry of Education, Sports, Arts and Culture, the National Council for the Hard of Hearing, the Zimbabwe National Association of the Deaf, the Zimbabwe Open University and the University of Zimbabwe, for their contributions.

Pacote Mínimo De Serviços Para Orfãos E Outras Crianças E Jovens Vulneráveis



Related resource: 

Minimum Package of Services for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children and Youth

Programme Minimum De Services Destinés Aux Orphelins, Aux Autres Enfants Et Jeunes Vulnérables

A região da SADC enfrenta um aumento inédito no número de crianças e jovens que estão privados dos serviços básicos que eles necessitam para sobreviverem e crescerem bem. Existem muitos deles que nem estão matriculados em nenhuma escola ou que desistem antes de completarem o ensino primário. A região continua a ser á area com a maioria global de crianças que não conseguem sobreviver para celebrarem o seu 5º aniversário. A insegurança alimentar também continua a ser um grande desafio. A maioria dos jovens que vivem em famílias muito pobres não tem habilidades e não conseguem encontrar emprego, e deste modo não conseguem enfrentar as dificuldades. Ainda existem muitos casos onde as leis e crenças culturais não garantem a salvaguarda dos órfãos para herdarem a riqueza dos seis pais e tutores quando estes morrem. Existem muitos casos de abuso de crianças e trabalho infantil, incluindo o tráfico ou exploração comercial. A privação e a vulnerabilidade das crianças e jovens na região são na maior parte provocadas por altos níveis de HIV e SIDA, pobreza (que foram agravados pela crise global financeira e económica) e em alguns casos conflitos e calamidades naturais.

As vulnerabilidades das crianças e jovens colocam uma séria ameaça à integração e desenvolvimento regional sócio-económico, paz e segurança. Para mitigar estes desafios, a SADC tomou a posição mais apropriada para definir as necessidades e serviços básicos para as crianças vulneráveis e jovens vulneráveis, e para providenciar estes serviços de maneira abrangente e holística na região [prefácio].

Long distance truck drivers and HIV/AIDS in Uganda: Synthesis of information and evidence to inform the response


Long distance truck drivers are listed in the Uganda National HIV Prevention Strategy as most at risk populations (MARPs) – groups which have a higher than average risk of acquiring HIV.

 The level of HIV among long distance truck drivers is high, chiefly because their lifestyle provides many opportunities for risky sexual behaviour, and because they have limited access to HIV prevention, testing and counselling, and healthcare.

There is a need for a much larger and more coordinated effort by a wide range of organisations and groups to develop, resource, and implement policies to reduce and counter the effects of HIV/AIDS in long distance truck drivers, and to provide programmes and services. In the absence of policies, programmes and services to counter HIV/AIDS, many countries, including Uganda, will continue to be hard-hit by the epidemic, with the suffering, loss of life and falling productivity this entails.