Strengthening families ab — Resources — Regional Interagency Task Team on Children Affected by AIDS

Strengthening families ab

Strengthening collective efforts to make Africa a better place for children: Report of the 5th CSO Forum

Strengthening collective efforts to make Africa a better place for children: Report of the 5th CSO Forum

Report on the 5th Civil Society Organisations (CSO) Forum held in Addis Ababa, from 22-25 November 2011. The theme of the conference was ‘One Voice for Children in Crisis’, and focused on the realization that while every child is vulnerable to different types of risks, due to difficult and often desperate living conditions, many children face “extraordinary hardships' and are therefore children in crisis.

The conference focused specifically on two out of several crisis conditions namely; child imprisonment and hunger. It also looked at a number of other topical areas such as the extent to which recommendations from the past CSO Forums have been implemented by the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of Children (ACERWC), an assessment of progress in the last decade since the adoption of the African common position on an Africa fit for children, the progress and challenges faced by the ACERWC in executing their mandate, Education of the African Child, the plight of children in the horn of Africa, child imprisonment, Justice and protection in Africa, child participation and capacity building of CSOs.

Strengthening Child Protection Systems in Sub- Saharan Africa: A Call to Action - Joint Inter-agency Statement

This Statement draws on a growing body of practice and evidence on child protection systems strengthening in Sub-Saharan Africa,1 and is inspired by the dialogue and findings of a multi-agency conference on the topic that took place in Dakar, Senegal in May 2012. Ten organisations convened on April 10–11, 2013 in Dakar to determine the technical content of this Statement.2 Readers may wish to refer to the substantial body of literature and resources on child protection systems in sub-Saharan Africa that was assembled and organised after the Dakar conference, including the Working Paper on Child Protection Systems Strengthening in Sub-Saharan Africa.


Young 4 Real: Sexual reproductive health (SRH) materials for young people

For good sexual and reproductive health (SRH, young people need the knowledge, ability and services to make positive, informed, safe and responsible decisions about sex and sexuality. These leaflets and posters offer information and suggestions to help youth on sexual and reproductive health and related services.