ARROW Young Lives storybook- Kakande- English version — Regional Interagency Task Team on Children Affected by AIDS

ARROW Young Lives storybook- Kakande- English version

Kakande's Story


This is the story of a young Ugandan boy living with HIV. Kakande is not a real person. His story is based on the stories of the lives of the young people living with HIV who took part in the ARROW Young Lives research project in Uganda and Zimbabwe.

The aim of the ARROW Young Lives project was to find out how young people between the ages of 11 and 13 years managed being HIV-positive. We interviewed 104 young people, their carers and health workers. Some of the young people were interviewed four times, over
18 months. We hope this story will help people to understand better what it is like being a young person living with HIV.

Rachel Kawuma, Sarah Bernays, Hellen Nakyambadde, Olive Kabajaasi, Sabrina Bakeera- Kitaka, Victor Musiime, Janet Seeley, and Annabelle South
