The African Young Positives Network (AY+)

Launched in 2011 during the International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa. (ICASA2011) in Addis Ababa Ethiopia, the African Young Positives Network (AY+) is the regional network of young people living with HIV and AIDS across the African. AY+ was born out of a pertinent need for a platform to engage young people living with HIV in Africa to take charge, lead the process and protect their human rights and for greater and meaningful involvement. AY+ has a vision of an African continent where the rights, welfare and interests of young men and women living with HIV are assured and protected. AY+ undertakes its daily work aided by a regional secretariat based in Kampala, Uganda and guidance and over sight from the AY+ steering committee and advisory group. The AY+ is currently working in 23 countries.

AY+ mobilizes YPLHIV and partners across the region and beyond to support sustainable community development interventions for and by young men and women living with HIV. Through the different activities, young people are equipped with appropriate tools and support to drive their own agendas and actively contribute to the AIDS response. psychosocial, sexuality, economic and educational challenges that pose as barriers to humanity.

AY+ advocates for unique needs and social issues affecting YPLHIV through a structured four-approach mechanism outlined below:

1.     Establish sustainable Networks of YPLHIV with opportunities for open communication and consultation on an ongoing basis with linkages to PLHIV Networks and Youth Organizations in Attica.

2.     Push the needs and the general agenda of YPLHIV to all platforms of the HIV response in countries, the region and beyond.

3.     Design interventions and projects to equip YPLHIV with tools to plan and drive their own agendas at country and community level.

4.     Advocate for human rights of all Key populations of young people especially young men and women living with HIV in Africa.

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