Better Care Network Consultancy Opportunity- Uganda Country Care Profile — Regional Interagency Task Team on Children Affected by AIDS

Better Care Network Consultancy Opportunity- Uganda Country Care Profile

Uganda Country Care Profile - Mapping family strengthening and children’s alternative care systems and reform initiatives

Purpose of the consultancy

This consultancy is to document efforts to support care reforms in Uganda through the development of a comprehensive ‘Country Care Profile’. The report will provide an overview and analysis of the current care system in Uganda, including family strengthening and prevention of separation initiatives and services, as well as alternative care services provision; past and recent care reform efforts, including key lessons learned, successes and challenges, and make recommendations for areas for progress, and gaps in learning and best practice.

Scope of Work

The structure and contents of the report will be discussed and agreed with the consultant as part of the contract but it is envisaged that it will follow the ‘Country Care Profile’ matrix and format developed for BCN for 3 country care profiles mapping (see Matrix in Annexure 1). This includes the following:

  • An overview of national legal and policy frameworks, guidelines and strategies which relate to family strengthening, Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC), children’s social welfare and alternative care in Uganda.
  • An overview of the different governmental structures and systems (Ministries, Working Groups, Social Services etc.) which are mandated to, or relevant to, family strengthening and children’s alternative care in Uganda.
  • An overview of organisations and programmes (including governmental, non-governmental, multi-lateral, faith-based, international and national organisations) currently targeting family strengthening and children’s alternative care in Uganda.
  • A summary of the key socio-economic, cultural and other issues impacting on, or related to, the need for alternative care of children in Uganda.
  • A summary of relevant available statistical information on children and alternative care in Uganda.
  • An analysis of the current linkages, strengths, weaknesses, gaps and challenges in relation to family strengthening and children’s alternative care in Uganda. This will include issues such as funding, human capacity, evidence-base and levels of knowledge and awareness.


  • One report of approximately 30-40 pages in English
  • Dropbox folder of all reference material and documentation provided with reference list, including citations.

Timeframe The work is due to be undertaken between 20 March, 2017 and 30 June, 2017

To apply

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Cover letter highlighting expertise and experience in relation to this assignment
  • Technical proposal of not more than 4 pages outlining proposed approach and methodology
  • Proposed schedule
  • Cost quotation which includes fees and any anticipated costs.
  • Links to at least two examples of previous and relevant work

Sent the above documents via email to Katerina Canyon

Deadline for applications: 28 February, 2017

For more information or to download the full TOR click here
