Social Protection — News — Regional Interagency Task Team on Children Affected by AIDS

Social Protection

RIATT-ESA Consultancy Opportunity: Social Protection and Treatment - Access and Adherence

The Regional Inter Agency Task Team on Children & AIDS in Eastern and Southern Africa (RIATT-ESA) seeks the services of an experienced consultant to conduct a comprehensive appraisal of the literature in order to inform the strategic direction of its advocacy programme on the viability of child sensitive social protection mechanism in Eastern and Southern Africa. 

The Consultant will be required to conduct a comprehensive review of existing literature (published, programme documents and grey literature) on issues (psychological, social and economic) related to social protection in children. The Consultant will be further required to document the potential role of social protection with regard to access to HIV treatment and ART adherence in children, synthesizing key issues in the literature and also documenting existing knowledge gaps in the field.

The contract will be for the period (1 September - 4 December 2015).

Click here to download the full terms of reference.
Qualified candidates are requested to submit a research proposal with CV, cover letter, indicative budget and work plan to by Monday 24 August 2015.


The Regional Inter Agency Task Team on Children & AIDS in Eastern and Southern Africa (RIATT-ESA) is a unique, multi-sectoral partnership of organizations focusing on the care and support for children affected by AIDS in eastern and southern Africa.1 With child participation and human rights as one of its core strategic areas, RIATT-ESA advocates for policies and programmes that improve the well-being of children. Advocating for child sensitive social protection policies that foster the wellbeing of children especially in high burden HIV contexts is key strategic objective of RIATT-ESA.