Opportunities at CPC Learning Network — Regional Interagency Task Team on Children Affected by AIDS

Opportunities at CPC Learning Network

The CPC Learning Network is looking for two consultants to support a strategic planning process and the planning and development of the Massive Open Online Course on INSPIRE.

Strategic Planning Consultant, CPC Learning Network
The CPC Learning Network plans to conduct an iterative and inclusive process to develop a 3-year strategic plan (2020-2023). The planning process is expected to take approximately 6 months from kick-off in April 2019. CPC seeks an experienced and highly engaging consultant to facilitate a process that enables the leadership to take a hard look at priorities and strategic direction while also being fun, stimulating and meaningful for all the stakeholders involved. Applications from individual experts and consultancy companies are all welcome. For more information or to apply click here.

Consultant, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on INSPIRE
The CPC Learning Network co-leads the INSPIRE Working Group with the World Health Organization. There is wide consensus among key stakeholders that a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on INSPIRE strategies that can serve as a basic framework for broader dissemination efforts will be an important component of ensuring that efforts to end violence against children are robust, evidence-based, and effective. CPC is looking for a short-term consultant to work with CPC and the INSPIRE Advisory and Operational Support to support the initial planning and development of the MOOC. Applications from individual experts and consultancy companies are all welcome. For more information or to apply click here.

Deadline for Applications for both opportunities is Wednesday, April 10, 2019