Opportunity at ViiV- Director Positive Action Programmes and Technical Assistance — Regional Interagency Task Team on Children Affected by AIDS

Opportunity at ViiV- Director Positive Action Programmes and Technical Assistance

The Director, Positive Action Programmes and Technical Assistance will head global community grant making (through the Positive Action Children’s Fund (PACF), Positive Action Girls & Women (PAGW), Men/w/Men & Transgender (PA MSM&T), Positive Action Europe (PAE)) within the Positive Action team. 

This role will have a particular focus on the Positive Action for Children Fund by supporting local communities to end paediatric HIV and Mother to Child Transmission by 2020. Furthermore it will provide strategic support and direction to PA’s other funding initiatives. Finally the role will lead Positive Action’s capacity building strategy and implementation.

About Positive Action

Positive Action (PA) was created in 1992 as the first pharmaceutical company programme to support communities affected by HIV and AIDS. Positive Action works with those communities most vulnerable to HIV disease, including youth, girls and women, sex workers, gay men, men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender people, injecting drug users (IDU), the homeless and the incarcerated.

To read the full TOR or to apply click here.

Deadline for applications: Friday 3rd August 2018.

