Vacancy - RIATT ESA Programme Manager — Regional Interagency Task Team on Children Affected by AIDS

Vacancy - RIATT ESA Programme Manager

The Regional Inter-Agency Task Team on Children and AIDS in Eastern and Southern Africa (RIATT-ESA) seeks to fill the position of Programme Manager from 3rd of September 2018.

RIATT-ESA is a regional network of 30 partners that include civil society organisations, academia, regional economic bodies, UN entities, and bilateral donors in a shared commitment to promote and prioritise the children’s HIV and AIDS response.

Established in 2006, and managed by a steering committee and secretariat, RIATT-ESA strength lies in its ability to convene key partners to identify and advocate for a strong joint and multi-sectoral response for children and youth in the context of AIDS. RIATT-ESA uses an evidence driven approach across three pillars of action- research, knowledge sharing and advocacy to support programme and policy makers efforts to provide comprehensive care and support for infected and affected children and youth.


Key Responsibilities

  • Managing the implementation of RIATT ESA strategy, in close collaboration with the network’s Steering Committee and partners;
  • Effectively managing strategic partnerships in line with RIATT ESA values and vision;
  • Mobilising resources for RIATT-ESA, ensuring that RIATT ESA has adequate resources to implement its programme.

Strategic Leadership

  • Ensuring sustainability of RIATT-ESA through innovative programming that drives the organisation’s value proposition;
  • Envisaging emerging trends within RIATT-ESA mandate and developing new initiatives to respond to these trends

Programme Management

  • Ensuring effective and efficient implementation, monitoring and reporting of the RIATT-ESA programme;
  • Implementing and managing changes to ensure that RIATT-ESA goals are achieved;
  • Developing new approaches to support the strategic direction of the organisation;
  • Ensuring adequate representation of the network in relevant platforms and as established by the Steering Committee;
  • Reporting on programme performance to Steering Committee, Funding Partners, Network partners and other relevant stakeholders;
  • Developing and implementing a resource mobilisation strategy;
  • Monitoring of programme expenditure;
  • Managing RIATT-ESA administration and programme staff, ensuring that they fulfill their responsibilities.

Knowledge Management (KM) and Quality Assurance

  • Commission and manage RIATT-ESA research agenda, including collaborative research projects;
  • Provide technical input on the research projects;
  • Publish findings and ensure dissemination as per advocacy and KM strategies;
  • Manage and use the RIATT-ESA social media for engagement, content sharing and networking;
  • Monitor and support KM implementation plan in collaboration with a selected service provider;
  • Collate and disseminate key knowledge and information in the region on children affected by HIV and AIDS & adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights;
  • Providing editorial oversight for all content to be posted on the RIATT-ESA website, on the KM portals and newsletters.


  • Analyse relevant research reports and policy briefs and provide guidance for advocacy opportunities and messages;
  • Develop RIATT-ESA advocacy and media materials for different audiences, including media engagement;
  • Lead or participate in submission of abstracts, organisation of satellites, co-hosting of conferences/events;
  • Represent RIATT-ESA in strategic networks or platforms as established by RIATTESA’s Steering Committee;
  • Ensure that children have stronger voice within and through RIATT-ESA.

Criteria for suitability as RIATT-ESA Programme Manager

  • Extensive technical background and knowledge in Children affected by HIV and AIDS in Eastern and Southern Africa region;
  • Substantial understanding and experience of advocacy and communication work in the region with a focus on children affected by HIV and AIDS, and adolescent sexual & reproductive health & rights;
  • Strong programme management skills, including monitoring and reporting on finances; able to multi task and very well organised;
  • Analytical writing skills in English. Able to draft policy and strategy documents, develop implementation plans, budgets, reports, M&E frameworks, abstracts, advocacy materials and editorial content;
  • Experience in organising and running conferences satellite sessions;
  • Experience in regional level research on children affected by HIV and AIDS, and adolescent sexual & reproductive health & rights;
  • Understanding of Child Protection, Child Participation and Social Protection principles;
  • Experience working with UN Agencies, funding agencies, CSO and RECS;
  • Able to work independently with minimum support;
  • Able to travel within the region and globally.


  • Minimum Masters level degree in a relevant area of study (Development Studies, Public Health, Social Work etc);
  • Extensive knowledge in Adolescence Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (ASRHR); care and support for children affected by HIV and AIDS;
  • Minimum of 8 years experience working in a development context with a focus on children;
  • Minimum 5 years of managing child focused regional programmes within the Eastern and Southern African Region (ESARO).


Potential candidates are requested to submit the following to by the 7th of August 2018. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. 

  • A cover letter outlining your skills and experience
  • CV

Click here to download the TOR
