Call for Expressions of Interest: To Develop a Booklet on RIATT-ESA Partners’ Promising Practices. — Regional Interagency Task Team on Children Affected by AIDS

Call for Expressions of Interest: To Develop a Booklet on RIATT-ESA Partners’ Promising Practices.

Call for Expressions of Interest: To Develop a Booklet on RIATT-ESA Partners’ Promising Practices in Providing Comprehensive Care and Support for Children and Youth affected by HIV and AIDS in Southern Africa.

RIATT-ESA seeks to carry out a review of partners’ programmes and develop a booklet of partners’ promising practices in providing comprehensive care and support for children and youth affected by HIV and AIDS in Southern Africa. The review will also seek out promising practices in adopting and domesticating regional and country policies in care and support programming.


The Regional Inter-Agency Task Team on Children and AIDS in Eastern and Southern Africa is a network of organisations working together to influence global, regional and national policy formulation and implementation for children and their families. RIATT-ESA works to ensure the UNGASS declaration of commitment to universal access for children to prevention, care, treatment and support in the context of HIV and AIDS is realized by harnessing the power of a joint response within the Eastern and Southern African region.

Scope and Purpose of the Consultancy

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the Regional Inter Agency Task Team on Children and AIDS – Eastern and Southern Africa (RIATT-ESA) co-convened a Regional Learning and Linking Forum for Accelerating Delivery of Comprehensive Services for Orphans and Vulnerable Children, and Youth on 9-10 February 2017 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The Forum brought together experts from national and regional civil society organizations (CSOs), international cooperating and development partners, and Member States to share lessons learnt and experiences in the delivery of comprehensive care and support services for OVC and youth.  Drawing on “what works”, delegates identified partnerships and mechanisms to accelerate effective national implementation of the Minimum Package of Services for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (MPS) and Psychosocial Support Services (PSS) Framework in a coordinated and holistic manner, with a view to contribute to realizing the SDG targets 2030 and UNAIDS 90 x 90 x 90 Ending AIDS agenda.

From the presentations delivered, about eight programmes were identified as having “promising elements” and a preliminary description produced. This will be the basis for the consultancy to add, build on and further develop a design ready booklet of Selected Promising Practices.

Consultancy Objectives

The main objective of the consultancy is to review RIATT-ESA partner programmes and identify RIATT-ESA partners’ promising practices in providing comprehensive care and support to children affected by HIV and AIDS, adopt and domesticate regional and country policies in care and support programming for children and youth in Southern Africa.


  1. A collection of all submitted partner’s programs to be reviewed

  2. Criteria for identifying the promising practices

  3. A design ready booklet of selected RIATT-ESA partners promising practices

Required Qualifications and Skills

  1. Demonstrated knowledge of programmes for children and the youth affected by HIV in the SADC region

  2. Demonstrate knowledge of child and youth sensitive HIV programming 

  3. Prior experience with conducting similar studies

  4. Familiarity with the SADC policies and frameworks concerning OVC and youth

  5. Good analytical, writing and communication skills

  6. Creativity and resourcefulness

Time schedule and budget

RIATT-ESA anticipates a level of effort for this the consultancy of 16 days. The anticipated timeframe for the consultancy is from 18 October, 2018 to 17 November, 2018.

Expression of interest

Potential candidates are requested to submit the following to CC’ing and  by the 12th October, 2018:

  • CVs and company profile.

  • A cover letter outlining your skills and experience

  • A work-plan outline and budget (including your fees)

Applications not including all of the above information will not be reviewed. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Click here to download the terms of reference.

