Call for papers - AIDSCare special issue on equity — Regional Interagency Task Team on Children Affected by AIDS

Call for papers - AIDSCare special issue on equity

Children and HIV: Equity Now - Reaching all Children in the Epidemic

The adoption of the new UNAIDS strategy document coincides with reaching the millennium development goals, launching of the Global Plan and the commencement of the sustainable development goals. At this nexus, the equity needs for children affected by HIV are heightened. Children and adolescents are still vulnerable to HIV infection by any failures in PMTCT rollout. Children are still vulnerable to HIV effects by any shortcomings in HIV testing and treatment. Children are a major group underserved by treatment rollout. More children than ever before are growing up in HIV affected families while girls in high burden countries account for 80% of new infections in adolescents

The IAS Conference in Durban (AIDS 2016) will be the culmination of research and practice examining HIV and understanding the equity issues for children. This special issue aims to provide a collection of papers highlighting an equity agenda for children, interventions to promote child treatment on all fronts and analyses of pathways to reach children and adolescents. Children and adolescents have had to wait in line behind adult treatment, adult testing, adult roll out and adult care.

This special issue, to be published in AIDSCare will aim to put children and adolescents first and gather the literature and discuss research to improve multiple outcomes.

Studies need to both provide high quality research as well as a justification for supporting an equity agenda. We seek a discussion of problems as well as solutions. We are interested in empirical studies of high quality, both quantitative and qualitative. Systematic reviews are also welcome. The Journal will be launched at AIDS 2016, Durban SA.

Guest Editors Prof Lorraine Sherr, Dr Ashraf Grimwood, Prof Marie-Louise Newell

Advisory Group Dr Tamsen Rochat, Prof Linda Richter, Dr Chris Desmond Prof Lucie Cluver

Intention to submit Please email intention to submit to

Manuscripts Due 1sth February 2016

How to submit All manuscripts need to be submitted on the AIDSCare website. The special issue is labelled EQUITY Special Issue. Manuscripts can take the form of short reports (maximum 1,500 words or full length maximum 3,000 words). This excludes abstract, references tables and figures. Further details and discussion with guest editorial board at

Click here full instructions for online submission.

