Call for Abstracts - Children and HIV: Equity Now! — Regional Interagency Task Team on Children Affected by AIDS

Call for Abstracts - Children and HIV: Equity Now!

Call for Abstracts

Submit your abstract for presentation at the international symposium Children and HIV: Equity Now! Reaching all children in the epidemic, to be held at the Southern Sun Elangeni &Maharani hotel in Durban, South Africa on July 15th and 16th 2016.

This two-day symposium, jointly hosted by The Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS and The Teresa Group, will once again bring together hundreds of service providers, community members, researchers, donors, advocates, and policy leaders from around the world.

Read more about the symposium program here

Abstract Development Guidelines
While impressive progress has been made in the last decade, much work remains. Our sixth biennial symposium will address this important question:
With the epidemic still negatively affecting such vast numbers of children, adolescents and families, how do we ensure that we include those most in need, those most often missed, forgotten, or excluded — those who aren’t benefitting from traditional policies, funding and programming?

Abstract submissions must fall within one of the following areas:

  • Programming
  • Research
  • Policy

Presenters are asked to adopt an equity-focused lens, coming with new evidence, ideas and approaches in five key areas tackled through our previous symposia held in Toronto, Mexico City, Vienna, Washington and Melbourne:

  • Psychosocial support interventions for children and carers;
  • Interventions that are family-centred—including families of key HIV-affected populations (sex workers, transgender people, people who use drugs, gay men and other men who have sex with men);
  • HIV-sensitive social protection programs that benefit all children and families;
  • Community action to end vertical transmission of HIV and keep parents alive; and
  • Programming focusing on early childhood: integrated interventions that support young children born into HIV-affected families.

Abstract Submission Guidelines
Abstracts may be no more than 300 words in length, with a 100-word plain language summary which will be used in the conference program for introductory purposes. Word limits are restricted on the abstract submission page and will be truncated at 300 words if they run longer.

The abstract submission deadline is Friday January 29th 2016 (11:59pm EST).

Decisions about acceptances are expected to be sent out by Friday March 11th 2016. The submitting author will be notified by e-mail.

Presenting Author Registration Information:
All attendees, including presenters and co-presenters, must register for the symposium. Registration for the symposium is free.

Presenter Scholarship Information:
Scholarships to attend the symposium are based on financial need and are not related to abstract acceptance.

Click here to submit your abstract.
