Interventions targeting sexual and reproductive health and rights outcomes of young people living with HIV: a comprehensive review of current interventions from sub-Saharan Africa

A study by Leandri Pretorius*, Andrew Gibbs, Tamaryn Crankshaw and Samantha Willan, sought to understand the scope and impact of interventions targeting young people (ages 10- 24) living with HIV (YPLWH) to improve SRH-related outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

This study found that there have been a limited number of interventions to improve SRHR outcomes of YPLWH in the region.
In addition, the findings reflect that more detailed information regarding description of interventions, such as session content, sex and age, and delivery method, need
to be provided so that others can more easily understand embedded theories of change and how interventions work. There also exists a need for broader, more inclusive interventions aimed at YPLWH that address structural and contextual issues, specifically gender equality and livelihoods strengthening, recognising how these are major determinants of realising SRHR for young people. More widely, understandings of SRHR remain narrow with limited engagement around sexuality and sexual identity. Only through articulating a comprehensive approach to improving SRHR that recognises the multiple underlying determinants, is it likely that the SRHR of YPLWH in SSA can be improved.

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