AIDS-related Bereavement

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Location: Positive Action’s Global Village Meeting Room

Time & Date:Tuesday 24th July, 3.30-4.30pm

Presenters: Lorraine Sherr & Noreen Masiiwa Huni

Supporting Those Who Have Lost Someone They Love

Sobering though it is, approximately one million people lose their lives to AIDS-related illnesses each year. AIDS-related bereavement in high prevalence settings may be associated with pressures to overcome grief abruptly, few culturally-relevant means of processing grief, anticipated, enacted or other stigma and social exclusion, and other psychosocial complications.

There is a need not just for culturally-relevant and replicable bereavement interventions which are adapted/tailored to the needs of specific groups, but also greater understanding of the importance of access to these and their mainstreaming into existing programmes.

Summary of Aims

  1. To highlight the issue of AIDS-related bereavement, its manifestations and its impact, and the importance of its consideration in psychosocial support initiatives
  2. To showcase effective, culturally-relevant grief and bereavement interventions
  3. To provide a forum for storytelling and remembering loved ones